Wednesday, July 7, 2010

A new tactic?

So... since I've been out here, I've been trying to take advantage of the time away from the family (I know, that sounds horrible, but read on for it to make sense!) in order to get my anger under control. This way, I can slip up and rage a little without having to worry about hurting anyone emotionally or physically. Except maybe a stupid truck, which.. they deserve it anyway. XD

Anyway, as part of my anger management appointments, I had to go to a couple stress management classes, where they taught in detail techniques like progressive muscle relaxation, guided imagery, and controlled breathing. One day (which I won't expound on), I got so angry I was literally ready to beat someone senseless with the buttstock of my machine gun. I sat down on my bed, and did all of those things - and got angrier. It got so much worse that by the end of that night, people were filling out sworn statements and the commander was considering taking my weapon away. That didn't happen, and it's buried in the past now, but that is so you all know how bad my anger problems are. Today, some small things happened. Small things, but they piled on top of an already stressed out Chris, and I started to get extremely angry. I was throwing things, hitting things with my clipboard, cursing, the whole bit. At lunch, I was still pretty angry. So, trying to get my mind off how much I hate my job and the people I work with, I started going through old things on my computer. I mean, I've had some documents go from PC to PC to PC since 2003! Well, I pulled up the one that has some of the stupid quotes from all of us, and started to chuckle.

I should've realized earlier that thinking of my family, and the good times we've had, would have been a good way to avert tempers. Sure enough, I was laughing. So in light of those good times, I just want to list some of my favorite memories with my family.

Mike - His quote on my little file is 'Is this carbonated?' I STILL laugh about this one... He was having some serious trouble with a video game, and I thought it was funny. He was about to throw the controller when I said "look, let me do it so you can move on with the stupid game!" And, first try, I took care of it with a pretty darn good score. He FLIPPED! He starts running around the house, yelling, kicking stuff, and then he gets back to the family room and picks up a 2 liter bottle of Hawaiian Punch that was half full, and he looks at me and says, perfectly calmly, "Is this carbonated?". Struggling to control my laughter, I reply, "No," and he lets out a furious roar and throws it at the refridgerator. It was HILARIOUS.

Spencer - I have a few good memories with Spencer. Especially now, when he's having a hard time and trying to get back on his feet, I think it would be good for all of us to revisit old memories with him. Things like bowling with the guys on friday nights, and ignoring his wife when she complains about it. Talking CRAP about his wife, with him, while we're out without her. There are plenty more, but those were some pretty cool ones.

Laura - Band. :) Hanging out on the weekends with her, David, Harry, and Carrie. Ordering pizza, watching The Shield, and once again, Band. It was fun having my older sister along for our competitions and all our games.

Rob - Rob and I had some great times while I was living with him. Having him over to the theater after hours to bring McDonald's, and watch Invincible the night before it came out, and to help me unravel The Lake House when it went everywhere and tangled up! Man, that was a mess. And most importantly... Friday nights, riding our bikes to Stop n Shop and Blockbuster to rent eight friggin movies and pig out on Domino's pizza (we knew our delivery guy by name.. how sad is that?), root beer, suzy Qs and twinkies while we watch flick after flick, or play Star Wars Battlefront or battle each other in Burnout. I also have some regrets from living with him, like taking off with the girlfriend all the way into Boston without having the courtesy to let him know, and smoking in the apartment, then lying to him about it as if he couldn't tell. I took advantage of his kindness, being high on my newfound freedom. I think I miss my time in Massachusetts living with my brother more than anything, besides my wife and kids.

Tami - We didn't get to spend much time together, but the holidays where she was able to come were always a party! We'd always just ditch the family, me, her, and Rob, and go wandering somewhere or go do something fun. Even if it was just walking through the Natick Mall, it was good times.

Jessica - Same thing. She was already married and out of the house when I was still a little kid, but once she moved to Jersey, we developed a tradition of going there for Easter, and having them over for the Fourth of July. And, her quote in my little file is pretty applicable to my situation: "When you say you're 'pissed off', I get this image of you standing in front of a toilet in rage!"

Anyway... I just thought this would be something good to share with everyone, whether they're my old family or not. I'm done my ramblings, and I do feel a lot better. :) I love you guys! Thanks for your support.


1 comment:

  1. lol! I forgot I said that! That image of Mike is hilarious too!
